Sky Woman Story. Kahente Horn-Miller

Sky Woman’s Great Granddaughters: A Narrative Inquiry Into Kanienkehaka Women’s Identity © Kahente Horn-Miller, 2009. If you prefer to read this as a PDF, click here Kahente Horn-Miller is of Akskare:wake (Bear Clan) descent from the Kanien:keha’ka (Mohawk) Indigenous community of Kahnawake, a First Nations reserve located near the city of Montreal, on the banks …

4 poets from the Cultural Gathering of Native Women

“Yomoram jyayappapä’is jäyätzame” Selection © Paul Worley and Carolina Bloem If you prefer to read this selection as PDF, please CLICK HERE MARY LEAUNA CHRISTENSEN Inborn [Published in Denver Quarterly] The language in me/ is old/ though I feel new to it/ my palate warping/ a metal over flame/ I practice the sounds of animals/ …

Around the House. Maya Cú

Original poetry in Spanish from Alrededor de la casa © Maya Cú Introduction, selection and translation by Gloria E. Chacón and Juan G. Sánchez Martínez If you prefer to read the PDF, click HERE Kaqchikel researcher Aura Estela Cumes explains that paternalistic culturalism in Guatemala represents the Mayan woman as a tourist object, a museum …

Putisnan, disenchanting the memory

By Sara Ríos Pérez Translated by María Grabiela Gelpi “We did not know that we were Indigenous” is one of the first sentences that is pronounced in the documentary Putisnan, disenchanting the memory (2022), directed by Colombian Oliver Velásquez Dávila—an anthropologist who leads his life between activism and investigating the memory of Indigenous Communities of …

Six poems by Kimberly L. Becker

Kimberly L. Becker is author of the poetry collections Words Facing East; The Dividings (WordTech), and Flight (forthcoming, MadHat Press). Her poems appear widely in journals and anthologies, including IDK Magazine, Panoply, and Tending the Fire: Native Voices and Portraits. She has held grants from MD, NC, and NJ and residencies at Hambidge, Weymouth, and …

Dreaming of being a poet. Humberto Ak’abal

Introduction, selection and translation from Spanish by Gloria E. Chacón and Juan G. Sánchez Martínez   Humberto Ak’abal (1952-2019) was a self-taught bilingual poet (Maya K’iche ’/ Spanish), and a plural voice translated into Japanese, Hebrew, Arabic, English, French, Italian, Scottish with worldwide recognition. From his first books in the nineties (El guardián de la …

The Woven Colors of Tenaz

By Alejandro Padilla a.k.a  Supay Kayampa (Illapa Iriwari) Ecuador, a country in South America crossed by volcanoes, mountains, rivers, lakes and the Ekuator, the equator, is small in area, but immensely diverse. Its flora, fauna, colors, and cultural landscape, as well as  its people, history and memory make this small land a space for fusions …

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