Myths, rites, and petroglyphs on the río Caquetá. Fernando Urbina Rangel

Photographs and Original Poems © Fernando Urbina Rangel Selections and Introduction © Juan G. Sánchez Martínez English Translation © Lorrie Lowenfield Jayne If you prefer to read this as PDF, click here Fernando Urbina Rangel is a philosopher, poet, photographer, and educator. For decades he has worked at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia where he …

“Mona fueda bibɨrɨ kaɨ niya jȃna uai: diona – jibina uai.” Yorema: Kaɨmeramuy / Gilberto López Ruiz

“I learned to weave at my father’s side, at my mother’s side, seeing how he would pass the basket to my mother, the sieve for yuca flour, and after that, I learned weaving from other cultures…” Kaɨmeramuy Artwork by Kaimeramuy / Gilberto López Ruiz Comments and research by Camilo A. Vargs Pardo and Lina Mazenett …

Bird Spirit in the Wellsprings of Daydream. Fredy Chikangana

 Samay pisccok pponccopi muschcoypa / Espíritu de pájaro en pozos de ensueño ©  Fredy Chikangana. Bogotá, Ministerio de Cultura, 2010. Translation from Spanish © Lorrie Jayne If you prefer to read the PDF, please CLICK HERE The literary work of Fredy Chikangana (Wiñay Mallki, root that remains in time) is fundamental in the history of …

Ndé Alliterations, by Margo Tamez

© Original poems, excerpted from Father | Genocide: New and Selected Work, 2009-2019,  a new book-in-progress by Margo Tamez If you prefer to read the PDF, click here Dá’íhééneezį’é dádn’áo.  Daádííjí.  Dádíí dáá’koh jeekíí dádidlohgoh beeshá’íí’áná I am thankfulwhen the sun rises.This day.Just this daythe woman danced until sunset. ✷  Yénáaałniiná  Ílatsoi  Yénáałni wos’haaałts’ mit’ii …

Three mapunky poems: David Aniñir Guilitraro

Introduction, selection and translation from Spanish by Andrea Echeverría David Aniñir (Santiago, 1971) is a Mapuche poet and initiator of the Mapurbe aesthetic, a poetic vision that explores the heterogeneous perspective experienced by some migrant Mapuche in the city. In effect, this poet proposes a ground-breaking discourse that communicates the experiences of the Mapuche who …

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