Lapü / Dream. Rafael Mercado Epieyu

Rafael Segundo Mercado Epieyu is a direct descendant of the extensive matrilineal clan e´iruku Epinayuu. He is a poet and writer from Manaure (La Guajira, Colombia), as well as a linguist from the National University of Colombia, with a Masters in Education (University of Antioquia.) He has experience in training processes with Indigenous organizations, associations …

Marga B. Aguilar Montejo: U Juum u T’aan Koolnáal / The Voice of the Campesino

Marga Beatriz Aguilar Montejo is a Maya Yucatec writer from Sotuta, Yucatán (Mexico), author of the play U wáayilo’ob xLetra / Las brujas de xLetra, published in the anthology Nuevos cantos de la ceiba. She studied at the Itzamná Municipal Academy of the Mayan Language in Mérida, and the Center of Fine Arts in the …

Roderico Y. Diaz. Photography and documentary about forced migration and resilience

Roderico Y. Diaz is an independent photojournalist and documentary videographer who has worked in the areas of photo-documentary, photojournalism, and documentary for fifteen years.  He has focused his work primarily on the path of people from indigeneous communities who search for justice and reparation after surviving the genocide in Guatemala (1960-1996). Here, in the artist’s …

“Chaikonibo”, by Chonon Bensho and Pedro Favaron

Advice and copy-editing in Spanish and Shipibo-Konibo by Manuel Gonzales (Menin Bari) and Eli Sánchez (Pakan Meni)  Chaikonibo © Translation from Spanish to English by Lorrie Jayne  Introduction by Juan G. Sánchez Martínez Inin Niwe (Pedro Favaron) and Chonon Bensho (Astrith Gonzales) are spouses and enrolled members of the Native Community of Santa Clara of …

Words Like Love. Tanaya Winder

Tanaya Winder is a poet, writer, artist, and educator who was raised on the Southern Ute reservation in Ignacio, CO. An enrolled member of the Duckwater Shoshone Tribe, her background includes Southern Ute, Pyramid Lake Paiute, Diné, and Black heritages. Tanaya writes and teaches about different expressions of love: self-love, intimate love, social love, community …

Ita ha’eñoso / The Stone Is No Longer Alone. Miguelángel Meza

Selection, introduction and translation from Spanish by Elisa Taber Miguelángel Meza is a Guaraní poet and cultural promoter born in Caacupé in 1955. He has contributed to numerous anthropological and linguistic research studies, as well as translations. He also worked for the National Ministry of Culture of Paraguay. He has published the books Ita ha’eñoso …

nila northSun. Vignettes

Nila Northsun, of Shoshone-Anishinaabe descent, was born in Shurz, Nevada, and raised in the Bay Area. She completed her BA in art at the University of Montana-Missoula. Some of her volumes of poetry are Diet Pepsi and Nacho Cheese (1977), Small Bones, Little Eyes (1981, with Jim Sagel), the anthology A Snake in Her Mouth …

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